Mad Devs Customer University is a series of publications about pricing strategies that aim to help customers choose the right contractor and maximize the benefits of working with them. We will address every aspect of customer-contractor interactions to show how to achieve a profitable partnership.

Quick summary

Custom software development refers to the process of developing applications that meet the specific needs of a specific user group or individual within an organization. This type of software is usually created by a third-party developer and is not bundled for reselling. Custom software development is a preferred approach because it provides the exact features and capabilities that an organization needs.

There is no single number that would accurately capture the cost of developing custom software because a variety of factors affect the final total, from the initial plan and timeline to the specific functionality of the app. Even with a simple project, costs can vary depending on the complexity of the work, the development team's composition, and the team's location. While there are many aspects to consider, this article will break them down in order to provide you with the best estimate possible for your software project.

Factors that shape software pricing

Let's start with a look at the several factors that affect the cost of software development, regardless of the size of the company or the location of the developers:

Software development cost factors.

We'll discuss each of these factors in more detail through an example of a company that wants to create an app:

OnTrack is a US-based start-up that wants to create an app that tracks users' finances, provides recommendations on stores and cafes that will keep them within their spending goals without making too many sacrifices, and shows them how much they can save by the end of the month as extra, unspent income.

Here's what the company has planned so far for the app:

  • Around 25-40 screens
  • Map feature
  • Reviews features
  • Works on iOS and Android
  • Access to a user's financial information 

OnTrack wants to create a minimal viable product (MVP) within the shortest timeframe possible. To start the journey of turning their idea into a real app, they begin looking for a software development team. We'll examine the details of this stage and develop an estimate of the costs involved.

Choosing a team

Within this stage, there are different aspects that will affect the final cost of the team OnTrack hires to create their product. They are the size of the team, the seniority of the members, and the hiring and pricing model OnTrack agrees on with the contractor.

Team size

When OnTrack has defined its project, it'll be easier to understand the team size required to develop it. The more complex an app, the larger the team, and vice versa. However, every project includes at least four roles: a software developer, project manager, business analyst, and QA tester.

How much does custom software development cost?

📝 Useful tip
For a small or medium-scale project, the developer may also serve as the tester. The project manager may also oversee the business analyst and other tasks.


The team's level of expertise is also highly valued. The hourly rate of a top-level developer can be dramatically different from the rate of an entry-level one. This is an important consideration when hiring teams according to the models we'll discuss later. For those who may not be familiar with developer grading, these are the standard roles you will encounter:

  • Junior developer: 0–2 years of experience. Work on smaller tasks, often with supervision and mentorship.
  • Mid-level developer: 2–5 years of experience. More autonomous, capable of handling entire features or parts of a project while collaborating closely with senior developers.
  • Senior developer: 5+ years of experience. Can work independently on complex tasks and are capable of leading projects or teams.

There are many nuances involved with developer seniority and how it affects the cost of software development. Check out this article for a detailed understanding of the topic.



With an understanding of the role a team's makeup plays in the cost of their software development, OnTrack's leaders will need to decide where to look for their development team. Today, it's possible to hire qualified specialists around the world, even for an in-house hybrid or remote team. Cost of living and market conditions can allow companies like OnTrack to find the best balance of cost and quality for their projects.

Below is a rough estimate of the average hourly rates for software developers in different regions. Even if you agree on a fixed-price model, these prices are helpful for understanding what to expect. Remember that a developer's seniority and technical expertise also affect this cost and that there are variations within regions as well. Finally, OnTrack will need to consider that a lower cost is not always the best approach, especially if their project requires higher levels of expertise.

Average hourly rate of software developers by region

Average cost by contries 2024. Mad Devs

Hiring models

Now that OnTrack's management has an idea of the type of team they want to hire and where the team will be, they will need to decide on the hiring model they want to use. There are multiple hiring and payment options to consider. Here is a comparison of hiring models:

Software development hiring models.

Pricing model

When reviewing teams or freelancers, OnTrack will encounter differing pricing models, such as a fixed price or hourly rate. OnTrack must choose a model that reflects its plan and understanding of what it expects from the finished product. Here's a breakdown of each model and how they affect development.

Fixed price: Includes the cost of potential risks (adding 20% or 300% to their price). This model leaves little room for flexibility or scope management and assumes that the client has detailed requirements. If a fixed price is proposed, make sure the contractor has a convincing description of how they'll handle the tasks: they must be sure they know what they're doing.

Hourly rate: A more flexible option for accommodating new requirements for the app and provides a business with the flexibility to adapt to changes in the market.

Time & material: This model assumes the client is willing to pay for all the time and materials (programs/resources) required to complete the project. While it doesn't guarantee that a project will fall within the initial budget expectations, it does offer more flexibility and agile approaches. This option is preferable in long-term projects because it implies a more or less stable monthly budget and allows adjusting requirements without receiving approvals from the contractor's management.

OnTrack decides their project requires a medium-sized dedicated team with one project manager, a business analyst, three developers, a UI/UX designer, and a QA engineer. This is a total of seven individuals working under a time & material model.


Choosing a contractor: state-by-stage 

OnTrack's leaders have chosen the preferred size and composition of the team. Now, they can now begin communicating with potential contractors to find the best deal.

The company will want to make the search process as efficient as possible because it can require time, especially when deadlines are approaching. They should start by narrowing down the list of options to those with experience doing the type of work required for the project.

In OnTrack's situation, they want companies or individuals with experience working with fintech. They gather options and begin communicating with these companies. Here are the points OnTrack will use to make their decision:

  • Communication patterns: How contractors communicate during the pre-proposal period is an accurate reflection of how they work in general. Be aware of missed deadlines or unkept promises.
  • Portfolio: Make sure the materials and examples in a company's or freelancer's portfolio align with your expectations and requirements.
  • Compatibility: Culture and principles are important too. Look at who the company or the person worked for before, how they present themselves, and other factors when making a decision.

Stage 2: Request a proposal

With a list of potential candidates, OnTrack will request an estimate from each. While the contractors are preparing their proposal, they may and should ask OnTrack follow-up questions about the project. The questions are important. Were they relevant and insightful? Did the contractor pay attention and try to gain insight? If you have three "yes," you're on the right track.

Are the questions the contractor asks you strictly technical? Some choose to stay safely within your specifications, while more experienced contractors will critically assess your ideas and suggest doing things in a way that, say, will be more competitive in the current market. So their questions will include those about your target audiences and business goals.

Once OnTrack receives the proposals, it's time to evaluate them. Here are the sections the proposals should contain to provide transparency in the price estimate: 

  1. Executive summary that succinctly addresses the client's problem and solution and explains the benefits of using this company's or individual's services.
  2. Company profile with background information about the company and relevant case studies or success stories.
  3. Project understanding that demonstrates a detailed understanding of the client's requirements and challenges, including insights gained from discussions with the client and a summary of the client's goals and objectives.
  4. Scope of work with an overview of the proposed software solution, technical specifications, features, and functionalities, as well as user interface, user experience, scalability, and performance considerations.
  5. Project timeline that provides an estimated project timeline with key milestones and a breakdown of phases (e.g., planning, design, development, testing, deployment).
  6. Development methodology to explain the company's approach to development and how it aligns with the client's needs and highlights the communication and collaboration processes.
  7. Team composition with profiles of the core team members involved in the project, including the roles and responsibilities of each team member and their relevant expertise and experience.
  8. Budget and pricing that shows a detailed breakdown of costs (development, testing, maintenance), a payment schedule (depending on the chosen model), and clarification of any potential additional costs.
  9. Risk management that identifies potential risks associated with the project and proposes mitigation strategies for each risk and describes quality control measures.
  10. Support and maintenance with an overview of post-launch support services, maintenance packages and service level agreements (SLAs), and options for future upgrades or enhancements, if applicable.

Once again, OnTrack's managers should look beyond the numbers and read between the lines to see how the candidate company or individual presents themselves and approaches projects in general. Let's look at some of the points of this list more closely.

This section is the heart of the proposal. Do the contractors describe in detail what they're planning to do? A good estimate will show that the contractor understands customer's needs and vision.

A well-written SOW contains detailed components instead of general ones that could describe any project.

  • General components: The estimation features three sections—back end, front end, and design—and says that the development of each will take, for example, three weeks. Such general estimates give the customer little to no understanding of how exactly the components will be developed.
  • Detailed components: The estimation elaborates on what technologies will be used to implement specific functions, includes the work of project managers, QA specialists, and other professionals, and predicts possible complications and risks. A meticulous approach most likely reveals the professionalism and knowledgeability of the team.

The quoted price gap

The price is important, of course, and in this case, OnTrack receives a few proposals from teams, but the quotes are totally different, with a large gap between the lowest and the highest quoted price. It can be difficult to know what the best price is, but the rule for extremes is that the contractor didn't put too much effort into their estimations.

Unexpectedly low price

  • The contractor is planning to launch your product in its minimally viable form as soon as possible but does not presume you will need further support, maintenance, or improvements. (Signs of this are the lack of descriptive documentation, lack of automated tests, and poor architecture.)
  • The contractor is ready to sacrifice certain parts of the development process that are not essential but necessary if you want perfect results: an example is extensive testing on several stages.
  • The contractor hasn't thoroughly analyzed the scope of work and gives you an unrealistic quote that may change later.
  • In rare cases, the contractor may be a fraud, and they want to get at least some money from a client without planning to deliver any product. A sign of it is the lack of documentation explaining what exactly will be done and how.

Unexpectedly high price

  • The contractor is a big company that typically works with large projects, and they're not interested in small-scale clients.
  • The contractor is overcautious and plans to involve many specialists in the development process to safeguard the high quality of the final product. This demonstrates a lack of confidence in their technical requirements.
  • In rare cases, the contractor may want to rip off a client. A lack of documentation explaining what will be done and how is a sign of this.

Team composition

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, seniority affects the cost of a team and the expertise that will be involved in the project. The contractor should explain to OnTract the details of the team they want to use for the app.

  • Seniority level: It's important to see who the contractor plans to use in the project. Senior specialists are needed for some tasks, while juniors can easily handle others. Low-level seniority on the team is not cause for concern, but the contractor must explain where they are confident juniors will succeed and why.
  • Selection and communication: Verify the seniority level of the team members. Sometimes, it can be helpful to interview them before accepting a contractor's terms. Clarify whether direct communication with the team is possible.

Organizational and development processes

OnTrack will also want to pay attention to attachments to the estimate, if any. A contractor who knows what they're doing will include documentation describing the organizational and development processes, product architecture if needed, and the tests that will be administered to reduce the risk of failures. Consider these moments:

  • Transparency: The contractor is totally open about what will be done and how; the processes are not described vaguely or obscurely.
  • Knowledge management: The contractor explains how the knowledge and experience of different team members will contribute to the implementation of the project.
  • Communication: The contractor expresses themselves clearly, and the documentation is overall readable and appealing.

Stage 3: The decision

OnTrack has reviewed the proposals and now the company's leaders need to make a decision. Here are the estimates they received:

Contractor A: This software development company hires personnel from Eastern Europe, and they offer to complete the project within two months at a price of $150,000.

Contractor B: A company based in Southeast Asia. They submit an offer to complete the app in three months at a cost of $120,000

Contractor C: A company in Western Europe offers to complete the app in two months for $220,000.

Is software development expensed or capitalized?

If you're not familiar with the concept of software capitalization, check out our concise glossary term on the topic. In short, it's an accounting method companies use to turn certain phases of software development into assets rather than keep them as expenses. OnTrack's leaders will be interested in learning more about capitalization in order to make the right accounting decisions to ensure continued growth.

There are two ways they can capitalize software development:

For internal use

Software that's not sold to the public, such as customer management and internal accounting systems.

Pre-technological feasibility.

For sell or public use

Software that's sold, leased, or marketed to external users.

How much does custom software development cost?

OnTrack wants to sell their app, so they must choose the second option.

Calculating the cost of a software project

OnTrack's example provides a scenario that many companies encounter when outsourcing software development. Here is a list of steps to take to create an estimate for a project before approaching potential vendors:

  1. Compile a list of tasks and the resources required to complete them - break the project down into smaller, individual tasks, so when you assign them to team members with hourly rates, it'll be easier to calculate how much each of them will cost. 
  2. Identify and allocate resources to tasks based on your team's capacity 
  3. Estimate the task length to create a project schedule (with some buffer)
  4. Calculate the project cost based on a chosen estimation method. For example, Ballpark figure, Parameter Estimation
  5. Use project cost estimating tools to track budgets in real-time


The rise of customer-centric tech has forced businesses to develop custom solutions to address their specific needs. Despite the high cost of custom development, many businesses still believe that having a tool that fits their needs makes them stand out. The cost of software development can be hard to understand due to the complexity of the projects involved and the factors that affect the final amount. Having a good estimate, though, helps companies pay a fair price.

Pricing Strategies in Custom Software Development.

Explore the chapters

2. Software Development Pricing Models Guide

2. Software Development Pricing Models Guide

Historically, organizations approached software development outsourcing as a black box where you throw away things you don't want to do. The field is changing as the emerging markets have proved to provide quality and shown the advantages of higher dollar purchasing power.With so much at stake, traditional outsourcing engagement models thus moved towards partnership models. So now, businesses increasingly outsource things they can't do.As a result, the emerging cooperation models have created numerous pricing models.However, once you start digging deeper with your research and evaluating IT contractors' proposals, you'll start to see not only the big difference in total cost but also the difference in pricing models used to calculate the cost.Ultimately, you may feel like companies are trying to take advantage of your lack of experience, and you can't identify a potential long-term partner.In this publication, Mad Devs Customer University addresses your puzzling questions about pricing models with clarity and transparency.Unfortunately, it can be hard to determine the exact cost of a software development project. Unlike building products from an assembly line, estimating the cost of a software development project involves taking into account various factors.1. Human resourcesThe number of people who are involved in the project will have a huge effect on the cost of the project. You will need to hire a team of developers if you are not outsourcing the project. The size of the team depends on how complex the project is and how experienced the individuals are.Your team's work environment will also affect how productive they are. Having a good working relationship with one another will help them become more efficient. There may be issues that they need to resolve, but the more projects they work on, the more they will be able to improve their efficiency.The ability of your team to avoid conflict and work efficiently will have a huge impact on the project's budget. Make sure that everyone on the team is qualified and has the necessary skills to carry out their duties. Overworking the team can cause them to waste time and make them more prone to errors.2. Project complexity & sizeThe complexity of a software application is also a factor that will affect the cost of the project. It can be very challenging to develop a complex program due to the number of steps and calculations that it requires.The size of the software that you're developing will also be influenced by the number of screens that will be built. Having too many screens will increase the cost of the project.3. Software functionalityOne of the most important factors that will affect the cost of a software project is the functionality of the application. Having too many features will increase the cost of the development. It can also take longer to build and test a large number of applications.4. Scope of workThe larger the scope of the project, the more expensive it will be. Although the project will likely have a fixed schedule and human resources, the scope can change over time. This is because constant stakeholder feedback will help determine the cost and the quality of the project.5. UX/UIThe cost of a custom design depends on the features and scope of the project. Having a well-designed and engaging user interface is very important for a successful software development project. The right mix of animations, visual elements, and unique navigation elements will keep your users coming back.6. IntegrationsAnother factor that can affect the cost of a software project is the integration of its features with other business applications. For example, having multiple third-party tools such as CRM will increase the cost of the project.7. MigrationDifferent migration techniques and the unique requirements of different storage vendors can also add to the complexity of the process. Having a customized approach is also important to ensure that the data that you're moving will fit seamlessly into another system.8. Extra expensesEven though you're paying for the software, you should also consider the additional costs that the service provider might charge. These costs might not be related to the developers' hourly rates. It can be necessary if the complexity of the project increases or there is technical debt.Aside from the hourly rate, there are also additional costs that the service provider might charge. These additional costs can pile up and add up to a huge bill.Some businesses will also require that they pay for the licenses that the developers will need to complete the project. Others will require that they pay for the infrastructure costs associated with buying or leasing software.Most people don't realize that there are also maintenance fees that are included in the cost of a software development project. These fees can range from minor repairs to security updates.So when we've covered the major factors that influence project cost, we can move to pricing models. It can be overwhelming to build software from scratch. Not only does it involve writing code, but it also involves various phases such as architecture, design, testing, and deployment.To avoid getting bogged down by the various steps involved in building a robust software solution, companies should keep in mind that there are various pricing models available. They should also be aware of the premium options that are available for their project.With pricing models, companies can easily understand what they are paying for and what benefits they will get from their projects. There are several types of pricing models that can help companies develop software: fixed price, custom software development, time and material, outstaffing, dedicated team, hybrid, milestone and gain-sharing model.Let's look closer at each of them.

How Developer Seniority Level Matters to Software Development Cost

3. How Developer Seniority Level Matters to Software Development Cost

In this article, Mad Devs Customer University addresses the main factor in the cost of software development: the software developer seniority level. The hourly rate of a top-level developer can be dramatically different from (sometimes even a few times higher than) the rate of an entry-level one. Here, we want to help you figure out what these levels are and how they affect the price.Picture it: you have a project in mind, but you have no idea what software developer qualifications are required for it. Some IT contractors offer you Senior developers (so the rate and the price immediately soar), and others suggest that Mid-level developers or Juniors will do just fine. How do you know what’s right? Your best interest is to make sure that the team working with you does not have underqualified or overqualified professionals in it. If they are overqualified, you’ll end up paying more than necessary. If they are underqualified, the development will take longer than it could, and you’ll end up, again, overpaying.The problem, however, is that the qualifications you’re interested in are not easily defined. The widespread hierarchy goes: Junior, Middle, Senior, Team Lead. But there are no universal criteria in the industry for who falls into which category. Each IT company has its own understanding of what knowledge, skills, competencies, and experience a developer must obtain to climb up this ladder.Therefore, we will look at the question of qualification from two angles. On the client side, when he/she needs a certain level of expertise. And from the developers' side, how the career ladder of Software engineer levels looks like.Let’s start with first part.

Top countries to outsource software development

4. Top Countries to Outsource Software Development

Mad Devs Customer University continues its series of publications about pricing strategies to help customers in the IT industry maximize benefits in their work with contractors. Here, we will address the issue that many customers are implicitly or explicitly concerned about: does it matter where your team of developers is from? If so, how will geography affect your work with the team? What regions to choose from?First, it's important to stress that geography matters, but it's not the number-one factor. We want to take it off the table right away: you can find the right team for your project or organization anywhere on the globe. Modern communication technologies have made it possible to reach talents anywhere. Companies are shifting away from the traditional rule book when it comes to hiring and managing development teams, as the rise of remote work has forced many to rethink their approach. Working with a remote team can be very easy, as more data protection and distance work software have emerged.However, in some regions, you may be more likely to find a team that fits you in terms of approaches and culture. Things to consider include:And one of the main points—don't overestimate the importance of your team's location. Let's elaborate on this.Assumption: countries with higher dollar purchasing power charge lower prices. In fact, it's not always the case. Skills and experience are more important, and a high-rate developer from a developing country can cost as much as a high-rate developer from a developed country.Why doesn't the developers' location play a major role in influencing the cost of the software? Is it fair to pay a developer from San Francisco the same amount as a developer from Vietnam?They can deliver the same quality of work, so everything's fair.Naturally, the towering leader in terms of senior developers' average salaries is the United States, but it in no way suggests that the work of developers from elsewhere will be necessarily cheaper or of poorer quality.Too many factors shape average salary: taxes, cost of living, and income level, to name a few.Conclusion: check the skills and experience ahead of the actual location or the legal address. (And if you still want to narrow down your search to the region, jump right into the middle of the article.)

Red Flags in Custom Software Development.

7. Top Common Pitfalls of Outsourcing Software Development

In the early days of the software industry, developers were working alone on their products for years. And one day, their products have taken over the market and made their creators rich and famous. Of course, this was deserved. But it is worth noting that this was not because their products were the best, but rather because they were unique at the time. However, the software industry was rapidly changing, becoming more extensive and complex. The competition was growing, and the struggle for users' attention becoming much fiercer. So the market became filled with better and better products and services. And we got more and more used to the constantly increasing quality and amount of them. Now we're not willing to compromise at all, knowing that we can always find something better. This is all possible because more professionals from different fields, not only technical, are getting involved in development. Now any competitive product is the combined work of developers, designers, analysts, marketers, and managers. This is just a short list of specialists who have found a new home in the software industry. For example, when Steve Jobs was creating the Macintosh, he even invited zoologists who understand the anatomy to help him find the best proportions for the future device that fit perfectly. But the more specialists are involved in software development, the more processes it includes, and the more difficult it is to manage them. And each process must be treated with special attention. Because each of them can be the main factor of success and failure of the future product, you need to know the pitfalls of software development in general, and particularly the main pitfalls of project management.At Mad Devs, for example, we pay individual attention to each process in development. From specifying goals and the most suitable means to achieve them to using the best design, development, testing, and support practices. And this careful attention makes our customers want to contact us again and again. After all, they can always trust transparency, flexibility, stability of development, and the high quality of the final product. You can see this by looking at any of our cases.

Software development cost estimation

10. Mad Devs' Software Development Cost Estimation

Determining how long and how much it will take to deliver a new software product is one of the hardest things to do in software development. But the main critical problem that arises during software cost estimation is a lack of determination on how long and how much it will take to develop a new software product. It is inherently difficult to estimate software costs, and humans are terrible at predicting absolute outcomes. However, this problem can only be resolved by transparent communication and development processes based on collaboration and co-creation. Mad Devs is a software development company, which specializes in developing highly scalable, enterprise-level software solutions, and consulting. We have been engineering our partners’ growth since 2004. Our goal is to deliver value to our customers in the long run by solving end users’ problems. For us, no two projects are the same. Each is unique in what it sets out to achieve and unique in the myriad of parameters that form its existence. For years, we’ve seen new players in the IT industry struggle to find insights into custom software development. Mad Devs has summarized its expertise by introducing Customer University: a series of articles that bring light to questions that need to be asked during negotiation and proposal evaluation stages. We believe in starting the partnership by building trust from the very beginning. Therefore, we understand that pricing is one of the customers' main issues. To do this, we explain the mechanism of project estimation transparently. For convenience, we have divided the technical process into four stages.When we receive a partnership request, we foremost assess the proposed project to see if we are a proper contractor to take it on. Several features impact our work process, such as expertise in questions, the scope of the project, and can we cover the project with our resources. Mad Devs believes that signing a contract is a long-term commitment, so it is essential to consider every detail. We believe customers' business success depends on whether we have enough expertise and capacity to deliver the project.After we ensure that we have enough expertise and capacity to deliver the product, we start evaluating the customer's product vision and check whether it has a proven record of market fit. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to build a valuable product for end-users without precise product specifications and requirements. Such projects usually involve high risks and a lack of personal growth for our developers. Instead of developing features, the IT team will be trapped in a circle of re-developing one module repeatedly and wasting the budget. Cost is a product of time and team members. Suppose you employ people for a more extended period, the cost increases. Adding more team members increases the cost of delivering the same business value. We expect a certain level of preparedness from our clients. Please note if you have the following problems: